Analog Devices, Inc.(Nasdaq: ADI) 宣布推出业内首款无线电池管理系统(无线BMS),使汽车制造商能够更加灵活地将电动汽车平台扩展至多种车型实现量产。作为首款用于量产电动汽车的无线电池管理系统,无线BMS将在通用汽车搭载Ultium电池平台的量产车辆中首度亮相。
ADI公司汽车事业部副总裁Patrick Morgan表示:“电池组从有线连接到无线连接的转变使汽车制造商能够将电动汽车平台扩展至多种车型,以满足消费者不断发展的需求。我们的无线BMS解决方案不仅可以简化制造流程,还可以根据无线数据构建新系统,从而加快整个行业向可持续未来的迈进。我们非常荣幸能够与通用汽车一起将这一突破性的系统创新推向市场。”
通用汽车全球电气化和电池系统执行总监Kent Helfrich表示:“我们非常高兴能够与ADI公司合作,共同将无线BMS技术用于生产,作为我们Ultium电池平台的组成部分。ADI公司的无线BMS技术可进一步推进我们车系的电气化发展,我们期待能与ADI公司继续合作,共同进行安全、质量和性能方面的创新。”
Analog Devices, Inc.是全球领先的高性能模拟技术公司,致力于解决最艰巨的工程设计挑战。凭借杰出的检测、测量、电源、连接和解译技术,搭建连接现实世界和数字世界的智能化桥梁,从而帮助客户重新认识周围的世界。详情请浏览ADI官网http://www.analog.com/cn
通用汽车(NYSE: GM)是一家全球性公司,致力于为人们提供更安全、美好和可持续的出行方式。通用汽车及其子公司和合资公司销售雪佛兰、别克、GMC、凯迪拉克、霍顿、宝骏和五菱等品牌的汽车。欲了解更多通用汽车及其子公司(包括汽车安全与安保服务领域的全球领导者安吉星)详情,请访问http://www.gm.com。
This release may contain forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements by Messrs. Helfrich and Morgan and other statements regarding the expected opportunities, utilization, benefits, cost savings, product and service offerings and developments relating to our wireless battery management system that are based on current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industry and markets in which the companies operate. The statements contained in this release are not guarantees of future performance, are inherently uncertain, involve certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed in such forward-looking statements, and such statements should not be relied upon as representing Analog Devices' expectations or beliefs as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results described, implied or projected in any forward-looking statements are included as risk factors as described in the most recent filings of Analog Devices with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Analog Devices does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements made by us.
欲订阅ADI公司的每月技术杂志Analog Dialogue《模拟对话》,请访问:http://www.analog.com/cn/analog-dialogue.html
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